Saturday, July 5, 2008

rumitnya komunikasi pemasaran operator selular indonesia

Which gsm/cdma operators will you choose? All of them are claiming that they are the best and offer the most competitive tariff. Price war is going on between of them. Some have placed a one full complicated page advertisement just to inform their tariff structure, while some have come up with a very simple short message. We are living in a jungle of communications, too many parties shouting too many messages. Can you recall 5 ads you saw on today's paper? My advice, go with those who are not over promising and offer the most reasonable price with simple easy to digest communication.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

di buat artikelnya dong mas,, ayo menulis,, siapa tahu kalo dikumpulin bisa jadi buku,, i'll be the first yang beli bukunya hehhe